第一次看到這個系列是在粉紅夢境看到的,之後很常去她的網誌看OPI的顏色,她是個專業的賣家唷,有要買指甲油可以找她 :)
粉紅夢境介紹2010 Holiday Burlesque Collection(歌劇系列)全色號
因為我很粗魯...所以大拇指前端已經剝落了~~ :P 但是依舊可以看出來擦起來很美囉,就是深酒紅色又有金紅色亮片(這...整個超難形容的 已經不知道自己在說啥米了)不過在瓶子裡亮片的多樣性比擦在手上明顯,就算如此這依然是款超美的深色指甲油!!
http://www.alllacqueredup.com/2010/10/opi-burlesque-collection-holiday-2010-swatches-review-comparisons.html#.T0SiNXJjNoY (有一些試色跟比較,重點是Tease-y Does It! 跟香奈兒的指甲油根本就一模一樣,詳見下圖,恩~~唯一的一咪咪不同就是chanel的底色比較黑一咪咪...但是要放那麼大才看得出來差異吧,所以結論還是:一模一樣)
Tease-y Does It! is a vampy, deep plum hue with golden and red micro-glitter. The glitter looks like tiny burning embers floating on a pool of oil. In the bottle you would expect it to have a duo-chrome finish thanks to the gold glitter that picks up the light but on the nail it doesn’t translate. Of all the polishes in this collection, this one grabbed me the most. I hated taking it off, it’s that gorgeous. It just feels so elegant and the fiery glitter is mesmerizing.
As I was wearing Tease-y Does It, god I hate the name, I kept thinking it looks familiar but couldn’t come up with a polish name. It was driving me nuts. I was going through my “vampy” bin and still coming up empty until I opened my Chanel Feu De Russiebox. Ding, ding, ding! While they aren’t identical, the polishes are very similar. The main difference is the base color. Feu De Russie has a black base while TDI’s is more burgundy. There’s an underlying smokiness to TDI that makes it look lighter and more plummy when dry. However, if you missed out on the Chanel, this is an excellent substitute.
我很喜歡Tease-y Does It! 啦,推薦給喜歡深色又喜歡亮片的朋友 :D
預約單線上填寫 http://tinyurl.com/6rpadj6